#SayNoToRacism: RACIST Italian minister strikes again, Muntari the target

Italy international Mario Balotelli has hit back at Italian politician Matteo Salvini for his racist attack on former AC Milan team mate Sulley Muntari.

The Ghanaian who played in the entire 2-2 draw with Verona for AC Milan at the San Siro was subject to racist comments from secretary of the anti-immigration Lega Nord party Matteo Salvini who wrote on his Facebook page:

“Immigrants who work well are welcome. Therefore Muntari can go back home.”

The Politian deleted the post but not before the hawk-eyed social media fans had captured what he was trying to put across.

The racist comments reached Liverpool player Mario Balotelli who quickly took to his instagram page to defend Sulley Muntari, hitting back at Matteo Salvini.

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Balotelli wrote:

“Is this person serious when he says this?

“And he’s a politician too????? Then vote for me, you’ll be better off.”

Salvini who has a history with the Italian player once again took to his Facebook page to reply Mario Balotelli's comments writing:

"The sense of humour of Balotelli is equal to his education in the field.

"He is angry because I criticised his friend Muntari?

"With all the millions that come to play ball, these gentlemen should accept ironies and criticism from fans, and smile. Take it easy Mario!"